Tuesday, June 3, 2014

3 Popular Sayings Not Found In The Bible

I'm sure you've heard some famous sayings now and then, and you've probably said to yourself, "I wonder where that came from?" Well, below are three statements that sound convincing. However, look out! Even though they may sound like they came from the Bible, they did not! And furthermore, even though there is a bit of logic in these statements, maybe some half-truths, in reality, just the opposites of what they say are true! Below are three such sayings:

1. "God helps those who help themselves."
Ever hear this one? It sounds good, but is this really a principle that's true? Not really. Many times I've heard people use it as if it's some sort of profound Bible verse, as if they are quoting the Bible. However, it's not found anywhere in the Bible. It's not found in the book of Proverbs. It's not part of the Sermon on the Mount. It's not a verse that's found anywhere in scripture.

Yes, I know, we're not supposed to be lazy. And we are to be obedient. But that's not what this statement is trying to profess. If God helps those who help themselves, then it would mean that God's help is conditional. It implies that if we help ourselves first, then God will, in turn, help us. It's saying that we can earn God's blessings and grace by our own diligence. This is a "works" philosophy" verses a "grace" philosophy. That's opposite of the simple definition of grace...unmerited favor.

Does God really reward those who help themselves regardless of their motives, their heart, and the condition of their relationship with Him? I don't think so! The reality is, sometimes people are helpless. Does God turn His back on such people? No. Just the opposite. God is a God who helps those who can't help themselves!

"When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners." (Romans 5:6)

2. Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.
When I was in junior high school, I heard this from parents and teachers alike. It was their way to teach us not to be intimidated by bullies. I distinctly remember our school bus driver reciting this sentence often, probably with good intentions. It was good advice, telling us to stay out of physical fights. Regardless of how much it may sound like a Bible proverb, it's not found in scripture. Is it true that names will never hurt me? No, it's not true. Names hurt! Words hurt! And the hurt lasts a long, long time - longer than most physical injuries.

The Bible teaches that we should watch our tongue. Sticks and stones can injure, but saying something hurtful to someone causes a much more serious and lasting hurt. So watch your tongue!

"The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18)

3. Everything happens for a reason
Many things definitely happen for a reason, possibly a reason we may not be aware of or understand. I strongly believe that. God works in our lives for sure. But does absolutely "everything" happen for a reason, as the above statement implies? Does it really? Think about it. If everything, I mean everything happened for a reason, that would mean that everything, every event in our lives, is arranged by God for some reason. That would also mean that every bad and evil event is caused by God. (I don't think so!) If that's true, what happened to free will? I believe God either allows things to happen or He intervenes. Sometimes, however, things happen by coincidence or chance. For example, natural disasters happen. And sometimes things happen as a consequence of our own decisions or actions. Whatever the case, God either lets it play out, or acts on it. I suppose that's where the mystery lies - when or why God chooses to act. God can certainly cause things to happen, but that doesn't mean that everything which happens is a result of His will.

I guess the question is ..do "all things" happen for a reason - implying that everything, good and bad, is intentionally done by God? (I say not necessarily), or just some things (I say yes)? Can some things happen by coincidence or chance? (I say yes) or as a result of our own decisions, stupidity, etc? (I say yes). More importantly, I'm coming from the angle, does "God" cause all things, including all bad things, to happen? ( I say not all bad things, maybe some for various reasons). And in the big picture... alright, if you really want to stretch it and get really technical..... I guess all things "do" happen for 4 reasons!.......God causes it, Satan causes it, we cause it, or nobody causes it.

No matter what happens in our lives, God is with us, and we do not go through it alone. And if we are in Christ, He works things, even bad things, eventually for our good.

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20b)

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)


  1. Hello chip....I agree with all but the last one I do believe things happen for a reason, that God watches over us and provides us with challenges even bad experiences to test our faith. Well maube not to test it but let us realize he will help us no matter what as long as we love him and believe in him.....so bad things do happen for a reason....does God make bad things happen...absolutely not...the evil one does...but keeping faith he does not win

    1. i guess the question is ..do "all things" happen for a reason - implying that everything, good and bad, is intentionally done by God? (I say not necessarily), or just some things (I say yes)? Can some things happen by coincidence or chance? (I say yes) or as a result of our own decisions, stupidity, etc? (I say yes). More importantly, I'm coming from the angle, does "God" cause all things, including all bad things, to happen? ( I say not all bad things, maybe some, as you point out). So I suppose we do agree - to some degree! And in the big picture... if you really want to stretch it and get really technical..... all things "do" happen for 4 reasons (God causes it, Satan causes it, we cause it, or nobody causes it) - ha.
